Contact Stav Adler

Portfolio Manager
Retirement Analyst
As a trusted Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager I help my clients by managing their investment portfolio within the context of a comprehensive retirement plan.
Using advanced retirement planning techniques, I financially model my client’s circumstances to optimize and simplify some of the most critical decisions for their future. While I consider retirement planning a science and art, it is most of all, a trust based service that provides my clients financial clarity and peace of mind.
Qualified as a Portfolio Manager I manage many clients' portfolios on a discretionary basis. For clients who prefer a hands-on approach my recommendations may include managed investments, individual blue chip equities, annuities, fixed income securities, alternative investments and venture financing opportunities.
In 2011 I attained the designation of a Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM). This is the highest wealth management designation offered by the Canadian Securities Institute and is held by fewer than 3% of Investment Advisors. I also hold the designation of a Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA), which specializes in social, financial, and health related issues for retirees and baby boomers.
I enjoy volunteering as a riding instructor in a family equestrian business and occasionally compete in equestrian show jumping competitions.